800 - 1000 ₼

Əlaqə Məlumatları
Şəhər Bakı
Yaş 19 - 35 yaş
Təhsil Ali
İş təcrübəsi 1 ildən 3 ilə qədər
Əlaqədar şəxs Nicat
Telefon (055) 753-17-58
Elanın tarixi 24-11-2023
Bitmə tarixi 24-12-2023
İş barədə məlumat

We are looking for a “ Project Sales Specialist” to join our team. As BS Group we are a young and ambitious team and want to work with people who are willing to learn, become an expert, refine their knowledge, and expand.

- Promoting the company and events
- Tracking sales goals and reporting results
- Compiles and tracks sales data for evaluation

Salary 800-1000 AZN + Commission
5 days a week
Work time 11:00 - 20:00
Lunch break 15:00 - 16:00

Interested candidates are asked to send their resumes to [email protected] mentioning “Project Sales Specialist” in the subject line. A short cover letter about the reason why you want to join us would make it easy to analyze your profile.

Namizədə tələblər

- English language is a must
- Being able to work with Google tools
- Strong communication skills

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