700 - 900 ₼

Əlaqə Məlumatları
Şəhər Bakı
Yaş 20 - 45 yaş
Təhsil Orta
İş təcrübəsi 1 ildən 3 ilə qədər
Əlaqədar şəxs Yuliya x.
Telefon (055) 253-21-05
Elanın tarixi 15-05-2024
Bitmə tarixi 15-06-2024
İş barədə məlumat

- Dealing with managers of organized travel groups, travel agencies,accepting and forwarding tourists
- Receiving and processing calls
- Telephone consultation for clients
- Dealing with e-mails
- Calculating the price of tours
- Leading customers from the moment of calling to returning from tour
- Controlling payment for tours
- Searching and booking hotels, transport, museums, public catering points (café, restaurant)
- Creating and calculating new tours
- Dealing with contracts of hotels, museums, transport companies
- Working with guides
- Working Hours:
- Monday to friday from - 10:00am - 18:00pm
- Saturday 10:00am -15:00pm

Namizədə tələblər

- Relevant work experience is desirable
- To have own database of the foreign partners
- Work experience in tourism is must (receiving, sending)
- Advanced user of Microsoft Office
- Higher education
- Aptitude for learning, willingness to learn
- Logical thinking
- Ability to work quickly
- Ability to distinguish the key point of work

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